How To Remove Stains On Your Wedding Dress?

A wedding function is very dear to a woman because it installs indelible memories in her mind, but weddings are not without challenges. One of them has to do with dealing with stains; some stubborn while others light. So what do you do when you discover that your cute wedding gown has been marred with ugly stains? Different women react differently, but at the end of the day you must accept the fact that you have to deal with that stain if you want to restore the cleanliness of your wedding dress and return it to its original impeccability.

Cleaners that are manufactured using oxygen are one of the best to use when cleaning a wedding gown. You can purchase such cleaners from any of the stores in Singapore. This is when you have decided to clean the dress alone. Use something like a small spoon to mix the powdered detergent in warm water, preferably, in a spray bottle. Then spray the affected area. After spraying, you can rinse the dress in warm water and dry it. This is suitable for dresses with only small patches of stains; however, if the stain is extensive, you have no option than to wash the whole dress using the appropriate detergent. As a rule, when you spot a stain, do not rub it because doing so will spread the stain. Also, you should work on the stain from outside towards inside when cleaning it.

While cleaning your wedding dress, it is not advisable to bleach it of use a stain remover that contains bleach as doing so weakens its fabric and fades the color. Remember also to work on the stain immediately you spot it; otherwise, if it is left to dry, it will be difficult to remove.

Nonetheless, it is always good to take your dress to a professional laundry cleaner if you are not sure on how to handle the stain. Sometimes you may destroy your dress if you mishandle the stain, depending on the material your dress is made of, the extent and the nature of the stain, and how long the stain has been there. If you also don’t have the time to clean the dress, a professional cleaner will be happy to help out; however, you must take into consideration the promptness of the cleaner.

There are many laundry and dry cleaning service companies in Singapore who can assist in wedding dress stain cleaning. Mrs Laundry Singapore is one of the best laundry and dry cleaners in Singapore. If you need timely services by very friendly staff, then visit Mrs Laundry for the best deals. What more would you ask from a dry cleaning company which employs expert workers to handle your orders promptly? 

Wedding dress cleaning is not an easy job especially if it has stains. That is why you need to select a reliable dry laundry company to do it for you. At times, the joy of a wedding can be reduced by a stained wedding dress. You also want to keep your wedding dress for memory, hence it is good to keep it when it is clean.